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Step Up for Down Syndrome

Different Ways to Give

Step Up Donation Options

Life Skills Program
Donate - $200

Fund practical life skills training, including cooking classes for individuals with Down syndrome (Ages 13+).

Play PALS Program
Donate - $100

Support a program for ages 0-12, focused on teaching manners, and social skills, and providing peer and sibling support.


Care Packages for Members
Donate - $50

Provide a care package to a member whose family is facing severe illness, offering comfort and support.

Sunshine Totes for Members
Donate - $40

Send "sunshine tote" filled with comforting items to a parent member whose child is in the hospital.


Medical Outreach Program
Donate - $700

Support providing training and resource binders with medical information to families at one hospital.

New Parent Gathering
Donate - $125

Facilitate gatherings for new parents to connect and receive support.


Educational Seminar

Donate - $150

Cover the costs of workshops and seminars for parents and caregivers.

Translator Services
Donate - $500

Provide translator services to ensure non-English speaking families can access vital information and support.


New Parent Basket
Donate - $165

Provide a basket of resources and support items for new parents.

Office Space Rental Support
Donate - $1000

Cover one month's office rent to help us coordinate programs and support our community.


Board and Staff Training
Donate - $1500

Invest in professional development for our staff through conferences and training.

DSC Educational Conference
Donate - $5000

Support a large-scale conference for DSC member parents, including resource packs, speaker fees, and accommodations.

Make a Difference Today
Select a Donation Option ($):

Email for more information!

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